coppercurled Aug 15, 2012 22:25
little things, long distance friendships, pick me ups, things that make me smile, i could use this, sorority, alpha gammas, favorites, line sisters, keeping in touch, postcards, mail, long distance friendship, instagram you fancy huh, happy, sbu, alpha sigma alpha
coppercurled May 07, 2012 21:48
pick me ups, abroad, trying new things, experiences, adventures, i guess this is growing up, college, things that make me smile, scotland, bonding, grad school, beginnings, traveling, what i love, friends, life abroad, edinburgh napier u, an eye on the future, learning, professors, travels, stress, university, pictures, best of times, uk, aviemore, photography, travel, classmates, thinking, great britain, experience, i could use this, postgrad, friendships, hanging out, confidence, wildlife, i love you, introductions, edinburgh, cliffs, instagram you fancy huh, once said, conversations, words of love, lessons, appreciation, compliments
coppercurled Feb 25, 2012 15:30
long distance friendships, best friends i love you, pick me ups, keeping in touch, long distance friendship, skype, pictures, things that make me smile, skype chronicles
coppercurled Nov 15, 2011 00:22
how i feel, frustrated, conversations, friends, pick me ups, friendships, stress